Wednesday 25 December 2013

Christmas Fresh Air and Snack

After opening a leisurely breakfast and watching the kids open their presents and play with them including taking one 2 year old bear and one almost 4 year old wolf off to the hard courts for a cycle, it was my chance to get a little fresh air and recce a planned route for the summer.
The route is from Hathersage and follows what will be a new cycle path to Hope however it turns off at the garden centre and follows the old railway line up to the Ladybower Dam and round the northern finger past Fairholmes.
A great route and traffic free once off the Hope-Hathersage Road. The route nears 28k and once the addition of the Howden and Derwent is added this should bring it out at approximately 42k. A route I am really looking forward to doing probably mid week when its not too busy.
Check out the Christmas snack I had on return. Whats that only a couple of hours until the Turkey. Great, just time for a shower!

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Donation Dilemmas

Okay, so the main event is about raising some cash for the Burns Unit next year. The problem is 40 marathons is a wad of cash! Marathons and Ultras in this country range from £10 up to whatever some idiots are prepared to pay for. So lets say even on picking low key at about £20, it means giving £800 to race organisers and not to the cause. Thats not even taking into account accommodation, travel and kit etc. What's the point of raising hopefully 5 to £600 if I've given more to someone else. Daft. Solution? Strip out some races especially the bigger expensive ones instead to be local runs or interesting runs not too far away. Therefore many of the runs noted are around the £10 mark and local or where I have been given free entry, or stunning point to point or circular experiences. That way there is also controllability depending on weekend commitments, weather situations or injury. Bring it on..  80 days to go..

Thursday 12 December 2013

Time to lose the shorts

First the daylight, then the dry weather. Now the temperature. Knees don't like the cold and tights feel weird. Bring on the solstice and the beginning of the end of winter! Well sort of....

Monday 9 December 2013

Turkey Trot Trotted

Run completed, having not run well for the last few weeks. Happy to plod round and go for a comfy negative split. Again the weather was good. It was slightly slippery all the way round which was annoying.

Its a great course as you can see from the profile it starts with a mild climb and then straight into a long descent until just over 4k then you hit the wall! Its hard to hold back on it but fun to fly past people later on after they have cained it up. Ha. Good to be back on the course. But I think I have lost a minute for every year since I last did it!

Well done to the boys who won their Turkeys and the local posse who I ran the last bit with.

Keen to get back to longer runs.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

100 days to go!

Well 100 days to go until it all starts. Its difficult to stay focused through these repetitive dark nights or mornings and keep the consistency and miles ticking over. A grumbly knee has limited runs to under 10k for the last few weeks but it seems to be easing up now so hopefully that will be in the past from now on. One thing I've definitely noticed is how many different things it is possible to run through and, although potentially partly created via running, use running to help resolve. One day when I'm bored I'll sit down and jot down the list so far. Hopefully it won't grow into anything too major for next year.

There also has been a distinct lack of events to get my mind into, coinciding with the colder, wetter, dark runs and this doesn't help. It will be great to get to the solstice and then know that things are only going to brighten and warm up.

Next tester on the horizon is the Turkey Trot in about 10 days. Late on in the calendar it's always a tricky one to enter as it fills so quickly. It's a tough old half marathon with some killer hills on exposed roads through farming country. Add in the cold, a bit of slipperiness and the surprisingly sunny weather (that I always remember) and you have a great test event for form leading into 2014. I'm clearly not on my own in thinking this. Do I dare put down a predictive time? I also have to take into account that it is the start of that time of year again when chocolates, sweets and biscuits come into the clinic.... Oh god, I'm so weak. Only an idiot would turn up to the Turkey Trot 1/2 stone heavier. Lets hope it's only that!

Sunday 10 November 2013

Test the legs with a half, the day after an off road marathon. A step towards a double.

Well the 6 Dales Circuit was yesterday and waking up and getting down the stairs wasn't too bad, with any stiffness easing off within about 5-10 minutes. Kit packed and breakfast had it was off to the pool in Bakewell with the boys for a float. Oh, then a run home in the sunshine. The route ended up being just short of a half but who's counting when you complete more elevation in just over 20k than you did over a 42k hilly off road route the day before?
The run was very slow but understandably so. Nice to be out in stunning fresh air. Shoe choice was perfect for the mixed terrain and gloopy mud.

Saturday 9 November 2013

6 Dales Circuit

Yet again, stunning weather to go running in. Relatively low key run part with the usual friendly greeting and ease of registration that I'm now used to with all LDWA races. I also accidently missed the deadline for entries, but luckily, maybe because I'm a member I got a reserved place at the last minute. Note to self... Must enter on time next year! The route was great over some classic White Peak trails, quite wet in places but grippy enough through all the technical sections. There's only 3 checkpoints on this one but really well stocked with all the usual cakes and flapjacks etc. It's quite easy to end up gaining weight on these types of races. The profile is.
Reviewing it following completion I'm not surprised that the last 10k took so long and the old adage of what goes down must come back up still stands! The route finding was tough over the last 5k but apart from that, navigation was fairly straight forward. Looking forward to coming back next year especially if the weather can be this good. 2013 is the year of sunny summer running!

Sunday 27 October 2013

Hathersage to Derby following the Derwent Valley Heritage Way (Mostly)

Yet again a glorious day, and a perfect day for a run from Hathersage to Derby. Luckily I had the kind support of Ben to carry my kit, food and water and even stop me routinely to keep up my energy. I certainly couldn't have done it without him. Katie even managed to have a roast dinner waiting for us on arrival. The route is great other than the stretches on the A6 that were pretty mind numbing. In fact also the time when it did drizzle coincided with that stretch on the A6.

From a previous walk of the route, the massive climb through Matlock was ditched to stay on the flat. Maybe next time this will have to be added. From a profile of the route, I pretty much had to plod down hill all the way there. Sounds easy doesn't it!
Felt really good throughout most of this route with mainly an ache on stopping and getting started again. Almost came a cropper with in half k of the end point as whilst a photo was being taken, Ben currently riding the bike one handed and taking a photo one handed, careered into me pushing me into a lamppost and a bush. Luckily avoiding any serious trauma. To get back home I must remember to check the train times prior to be dropped off at the train station!

This is definitely a route I plan to do again next year and I suppose I should have a go at the Northern reverse route! It'll be a fair old challenge and understandably considerably harder than Southbound.

Saturday 14 September 2013

Hills and Dales Marathon

Again perfect weather for this race. This summer has been truly fantastic for running with most of Derbyshire baked solid and minimal grip needed for shoes. Today was no exception. It was hot with great views over unfamiliar parts of Western Derbyshire. Start was a relaxed affair and the initial 2k was a bit tricky to locate the route. After this the middle 1/2 of the race was great with undulating routes. The return leg was brutal mainly due to the profile but also that the paths became unrunnable with the deep divots from farm animals. One to do again? Jury is still out as the first 3/4 was marred by the last 1/4. It was no where near full so maybe if the weather forecast was great then a quick email the night before if nothing else was on. The saving grace for this race is the fantastic cause that it raises money for! As for walking it I would definitely recommend it, its just tough to run, and yes it is meant to be 'tough'. I don't mind 'tough' and runnable but I expect to be able to run without constant fear of fracturing my ankle!

Saturday 10 August 2013

Long Tour of Bradwell

This was my first time at this race. The weather was mixed with a small amount of drizzle but fluctuations of hot sunshine through to chilly wind overcast grey. The ground was relatively dry which made for a relatively easy run compared to what the Peak is like on a wet bog day. The race is hardcore, not just because its fairly rough in places underfoot, or the distance but because it packs in the elevation. This can be seen here.
It got dehydrated on this one through stupidity and thinking I had plenty of water left when I left the last checkpoint (about 44k), only to run out about half a k after. Oops. The last climb is fairly straight forward but the last tarmac section out of Abney is a ball ache that just seems to go on for ever. The sting in the tale of this one is the last descent into Bradwell. My quads had pack in so I felt like I was hobbling down hill on stumps. To be fair I think I looked like that as well. Great race, great price, great cakes and food at the end. Hopefully the legs will hold up and I'll be back annually for the next few years.

Wednesday 31 July 2013

St. Peter Port to Fort Grey via the coastal path.

Family trip to the Channel Islands Summer 2013 meant a great 2 weeks staying on Guernsey with lovely weather and sunny running. Hot Hot! There is a coastal path and walking/running route round the island that is a beast! Mainly as your legs are destroyed in the first half by the constant up and downs of visiting points and then bays in between. Next year I will be tackling the full route but this is the elevation profile on 1st half.

Saturday 20 July 2013

Sunny Jaunt Hathersage to New Mills

Deep in the hot summer I had the option to run to Grandma and Granddads. Sadly I didn't realise how long it was going to take me and got picked up in New Mills instead. Still it was a beautiful opportunity to be out running, crossing the scout especially when it's as dry as a bone. Its not that often for anyone that knows it.

Saturday 6 July 2013

Bishops Castle Tandem Triathlon

What an awesome event. I have been doing this event every year since 2003 and it rocks. Firstly its tough secondly its fun, as in the emphasis is on FUN! It is not for the competitive (well a little bit never hurt anyone, did it?) there is a fancy dress theme every year and if you like your booze, there is a prize for having a drink in every pub on the way round! Health and safety? Bollox to H&S.

The event has had its problems in the past and pulled in different directions but now it is a stripped back race very much run by the locals and in support of local amenities. It is part of Bishops Castle Carnival week. Format is a 1000m swim in a hot 20m pool then a 32k hilly cycle with a beast of a hill (twice) then into a lovely cross country run at about 10.5k followed by a fast downhill cycle back to the start at just over 5k.

I'm planning on doing 4 laps of the run course as one of my marathons next year and Adrian (Race Chief) has kindly supported this change. Looking forward to next year and long may this race continue as it was a testing year last year where the future looked in doubt. BC is also a great place for a holiday so why not investigate.

Sunday 23 June 2013

Shrewsbury Marathon

Well just got back from a camping weekend just outside Shrewsbury. The aim was to enter a fairly flatish fastish road marathon to try to qualify for London Marathon next year. They have recently changed the GFA criteria so it means completing the race in 3:05 now rather than the 3:10 that it historically has been.

The caveat in favour of the organisers was that this was the first time that they had run the event. That is actually the only positive thing I can say about the race! The race although advertised as flat was anything but.

It was a cold drizzly day and they held us on the start line for 20 minutes, getting colder and colder. Most people were shivering and a lot of abuse was starting to be hurled in the direction of the organisers tent. Essentially the called everyone to the start before they were ready and then decided to clear the course when they realised they weren't ready. Muppets.

This was a 4 lap course with a half marathon started after the main race. This lead to absolute confusion and congestion out on the route as they had decided to make the course so tight in places that at some points you could only run 2 abreast. Great when you were catching the half marathoners. The feedback provided by most people on runners world says it all. The so called and self proclaimed 'experienced events company' managed to balls up pretty much everything.

Due to the above I reluctantly finished in 3:06:12. 72 seconds off qualifying. Still I had a nice weekend camping with the family so not all bad. It also was good to test how training was going with a road run.

Saturday 8 June 2013

Baslow Boot Bash

Ok so recovery was good after the LBC but with some stiffness. I learnt loads and so was keen to complete another and not screw up the 2nd half this time. I recce'd the route over 2 days the previous weekend with Simon so roughly knew where we were going. The weather on the day was great again and off we went. The start was quite quick, quicker than I thought that it would be so I fitted in about a dozen or so bag. It had good trails all the way round but some of people took odd short cuts on direct road sections which seems not in keeping with the type of event this is.

This course has a sting in the tale as you'll see from the elevation below, so if you're planning it in the future save some for that. Really enjoyed the course and the people on route. The weather was stunning and made the day. Energy was perfect all the way round and I felt strong and consistent on the whole run. Happy after 2 weeks ago. There is a section running through a bluebell field near the end that is stunning. I'll be back next year. Hopefully to go slightly quicker!

Monday 20 May 2013

Leaden Boot Challenge Review.

Well it is now the day after the LBC which I ran yesterday in glorious sunshine. The first thing I was aware of on arrival was how friendly everyone was. All the organsiers and other runners. This is primarily a walking event which sees the them going off at 9am. There is then an hour before the runners go. About 80 runners entered with a few having completed another offroad marathon the day before!

The start was a relaxed affair and then we were off. This is not a part of the Peak that I have run in very much and with the weather it was stunning and well worth a trip back. There were numerous marshals, the route was well marked and people at the check points were supportive and helpful. Each one had numerous juices, biscuits, sweets and home baked cakes! Fantastic. The overall winner by a country mile was the check point with the rocky road. I almost didn't leave. On arriving back into Alstonefield a cheering, clapping welcome was provided followed by a cooked dinner of Pie and Peas followed by as much cake as could be eaten. All home baked.

Fantastic. I have to say this was one of the best races I've ever done made by the community spirit, organisation and rocky road. The best £16 I've spent.. Hopefully all being well I'll be back next year however with how rough I felt afterwards and today, I've a lot to think about with regards doubling up on some weekends. We'll see how I feel after the next few races.

I managed a 7k plod this evening with the main limiter being my ability to breath in my diaphragm  How on earth did the other chaps complete 2 on the trot! Hopefully I'll be able to answer that soon!

Thursday 16 May 2013

Time for the boots to feel like lead!

So the year of 2013 is about getting rid of any niggles that I encounter through upping my mileage, upping my mileage, completing a few more marathons and generally trying out a few races prior to 2014. Some of the weekends next year are going to be 2 marathon weekends. This coming weekend I plan to have as one of them.

In 2012 I did the White Peak Marathon having not run for about 3 months with working on our house. It went ok, apart from the body struggling from mile 15 onwards but I got round, helped by my cousin Sam. Its not the most exciting marathon being on the disused railway tracks of the Tissington Trail and the High Peak Trail but it makes up for this with a friendly atmosphere and great views of the White Peak. This race takes place on a Saturday and the Leaden Boot Challenge is on the Sunday.

Any way I didn't know anything about the LBC so I thought I would go up last weekend and run the first half on Saturday and the 2nd half on the Sunday. Mainly because the instructions were a bit wordy and I didn't want to get lost. The actual race is on this Sunday and its going to be tough due to the terrain but we'll see what sort of time I complete it with and whether its suitable to run the day after the WPM. I recovered well from both halfs and have done 5 short runs since then. Trouble is I've picked up a cold now from the kids so its going to be interesting!!

The challenge is on..

I've entered my first races for next year now so the challenge for all intense and purposes is going ahead. I got an entrance in to London Marathon ballot last month but I don't really count this as I'm not going to find out for ages as to whether I've got a place. So the first entrance proper is for the Bolton Hill Marathon which is on the 8th and 9th March 2014. I've only entered the 8th at the moment. We'll see how training and recovery goes as to whether it is sensible to start off the challenge with increased risk of injury.

Monday 13 May 2013

Aaaaand we're off !!

Right the blog is set up and I feel like the Journey has started.

So lots of thoughts to get down in B&W.

Firstly: Why do a blog? I have no idea other than being aware that my mind flits around so much I can't remember what I was doing yesterday let alone last week etc.. I am therefore hoping that this will be a personal record of the Journey I'm embarking on over the next 18 or so months.

Secondly: Why now? Well, in the not too distance future it will soon be my 40th birthday. It's a destiny that is hard to avoid. When I was a child 40 was nearly dead, however now I'm nearing 40 that child remains unchanged other than it now hurts to do somersaults on the grass or swing on the monkey bars at the park. When did that happen? Someone told me once that a definition of 'middle age' is when you start groaning on simple movements. Sadly middle age was entered a while back.

Most people consider a mid-life crisis nearing middle age and if that is 40 or when the groaning starts then this is the right time. Few people go through with their mid-life crisis and the ones that do either buy a sports car or have an affair. Well I haven't got the spare cash or energy for either and marriage, home life and parenthood is far too rewarding to do anything too stupid. So another crisis is required:

I have always enjoyed exercise especially if it revolves around the outdoors and have always sort out competition in any sport or sports that I have done. However it has taken me a full 30 years to realise that the only competition that drives me is internal and not for any prize giving, trophy or congratulations. Maybe the adulation I seek the most I know I can never attain. What am I left with?

It is as a parent that I have finally felt staggering uncontrollable emotion. A real quantifiable wholeness or completeness created by things so small. This emotional bond has been felt most notably on 2 occasions. The moment of holding my first born in my arms, skin on skin for what seemed like an eternity, lost in time. Without any awareness of outside worries or concerns whilst feeling the most worried and concerned about the future. This ranks as the happiest moment of my life. However holding my second child of 11 months old in my arms in the burns unit, sedated, bandaged up with a nasal feeding tube and with swelling to the point where he was struggling to hold his head up or open his eyes ranks as the saddest moment of my life. We are now 6 months on and the memories are still vivid, evoking deep emotions.

One second we were enjoying a lazy Sunday morning breakfast, the next our world was turned up-side-down and the Burns Unit at Sheffield's Children's Hospital became our home from home. J and A stayed there for 10 days cared for excellently under the many teams of specialists. We have had one further stay and many subsequent visits. All of the staff have been and are amazing and testament to this is the fact that now 6 months later J continues to develop as a vibrant happy, cheeky little monkey with as few reminders as possible. Our penance is to manage his scars via special cream 4 x a day, dressing in a compression top and ensuring that he is never in sunlight without factor 50 at least for the next year.

We want to make sure that we say a formal thank you to Sheffield Children's Hospital, in particular the Burns unit and especially the Team that transform the ward into a specialist unit. The only way to do this is to hopefully raise a few pounds for the Charity and to help raise their profile in order to help facilitate them treating another little person to the same high standards of care.

How am I going to do this? Back to the mid-life crisis? Run a marathon? That sounds tough. But I have done a few races before and I really want to do something significant, a challenge that pushes me harder and hopefully will helping to raise a few more pounds.

Providing my arthritic body holds up I plan to complete 40 marathons in the first 40 weeks of my 40th Year. Yes this sounds like a 'suitable challenge'. Or is that a typo, should it be 'stupid challenge'.