Sunday 11 May 2014

Marathon Number 12 was a point to point from Castleton to Alderley Edge

So I set out on this challenge encouraged by the fact that I was to meet up with Pete just under half way through at the Cat and Fiddle pub on the Macc-Buxton road. So really it was a nice little outing till then and then be dragged through the latter half.
The weather forecast was for rain, rain, rain with the odd break of sunshine however again the weather was great with sunshine all the way until the last climb out of Buxton and getting in sight of the C&F. The skies then thickened and darkened. Still on up and up to meet with Pete.
I had been struggling to come up with how to do a 12 for the pictures but on route up the the C&F I came up with a bright idea.. Well thats as much brain power as I could assign to the task so I was happy with that.  More details to follow..
Hello everyone. I've been asked to write a few words to add to Damo's here. I joined him for the last 16 miles of marathon #12 this weekend.

 So, here's the real story...
I was a little nervous about running with Damo. Mostly I wasn't sure I'd be able to handle his inane conversation for longer than a few seconds, but I decided to go ahead anyway. Having arranged to meet at the Cat & Fiddle and run to Alderley Edge via the summit of the mighty Shutlingsloe, I duly arrived at the C&F a little ahead of time, not wanting to delay the Thacker after his initial solo miles from Castleton. Imagine my surprise to see the man himself hopping out of a taxi just down the road, spraying himself on chest and under armpits with water, and rubbing a bit of mud on his chubby legs. Really. Well, maybe not really... A lonely figure running towards us told me we were game on. Having had a quick photo stop at the C&F we set off across the moors. The previous night's deluge had turned a lot of the footpaths into streams and mud baths but on we ran. And on. And on. 
A rain/hail shower and 60 knot winds near the summit of Shutlingsloe meant no stopping there and we rapidly descended through Macc Forest and onto the flatter terrain of Cheshire. I'd like to say we ran like a pair of Olympians, but that's only true if the Olympians in question were entered in the heavyweight wrestling. Dragging our sorry backsides over the final hill and down through the National Trust woodland at Alderley Edge (you really should visit, it's lovely), it turned out i'd over-egged my 'half' of the route plan slightly and Damo had ended up with an extra couple of miles over the regulation 26.2... Sorry mate but consider it character building! 
So, what have I learnt about the heroic Thacker? He really is as lazy and narcissistic as you think. He kept stopping and forcing me to take photos of him in various 'show off' poses. Personally, I think he's just a little out of shape and needed the rest. 
If you're reading this blog, chances are you've already sponsored him, but do keep spreading the word. This guy's doing something incredible (I can vouch for that having joined him for only the tiniest portion of his challenge) and for a very worthwhile cause. The support you can give doesn't have to be financial - get out there and run a couple of miles with him, or hop on your bike and shout at him for a while. It's great fun! And after all that the conversation wasn't actually too bad - might join him for another one once I've let my legs recover; a luxury Damo's legs don't get this year...
So, what have I learnt about the heroic Thacker? He really is as lazy and narcissistic as you think. He kept stopping and forcing me to take photos of him in various 'show off' poses. Personally, I think he's just a little out of shape and needed the rest.
If you're reading this blog, chances are you've already sponsored him, but do keep spreading the word. This guy's doing something incredible (I can vouch for that having joined him for only the tiniest portion of his challenge) and for a very worthwhile cause. The support you can give doesn't have to be financial - get out there and run a couple of miles with him, or hop on your bike and shout at him for a while. It's great fun! And after all that the conversation wasn't actually too bad - might join him for another one once I've let my legs recover; a luxury Damo's legs don't get this year...

Thanks very much for the company Pete, the difference made was incredible. I was hoping you were going to give a fantastic rendition of all the expletives we heard from the 'Angry Man' we ran past in Macc. I had no idea that those words could be used as verbs! Or maybe talk of the fabled caverns below Alderley Edge where a Kings army lays in wait for the Wizard to awaken them..

Shoe Choice: Nike Icarus Stealths
Stats. Distance: 45.2 km  Elevation: 0.82 km  Total Dist: 518.6 km  Total Elevation: 8.20 km

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