Sunday 6 April 2014

Shambolic Sheffield Half Marathon + Run home on our beautiful hills.

Crikey where to start with this one. I certainly never thought so much could be packed into one run! It was a tale of many many halves.
So dropped off in good time for the start and the rest of the family went off to a brunch birthday party as it was too cold, windy and unspectator friendly for little ones to be hanging around. That gave me free rein to pop to the TCHC marquee and meet some of the Team who have been kindly assisting with this challenge. Then time for a check on the exit strategy from the finish as part of the warm up..
Oops, oh dear, someone appears to have locked the gate I intend to use to get across the river and the canal to the towpath. On closer review this just adds another challenge, no need to reroute. Back to the start of the race. It was chilly and a struggle to keep warm prior to the start, time to mingle down wind of the larger groups. 15 minutes to go and an announcement that the start of the race was to be delayed by 30 minutes. Great!
More warm up, another wee, further warm up. Must have covered about 4k by now. Intermittent loud speaker updates about the course not being free of traffic, meant 9:30 came and unfortunately went. Then finally at 9:50, 50 minutes after the scheduled start, the bombshell: Final announcement from the officials was that the wasn't enough water out on the course to make it safe so they 'regrettably cancel the event - for further information check on the website.' A massive chorus of boo's rippled through the crowd, then a couple of people started anyway and the rest followed! Eager to have a run. I think most people weren't angry with  the lack of water, the poor organisation, the delay or the lack of information prior to the start but more the fact that they had blatantly lied to us and tried to shift the blame initially onto traffic not being clear on the route. It is clear that they must have known that there was a more serious cock up. Following the race the officials appear to be saying that the contractors who were supposed to be delivering the water didn't show up. I wonder whether we will find out further information on this: a lack of confirmation, a lack of payment etc as cause for them not turning up.*Update* Anyway the run was underway and this was the most important thing, people would complete it, money would be raised and charities would be better off. It wasn't a race anymore.
What happened was the people of Sheffield! Wow, everyone supporting had gone into the nearest shop or filled up loads of cups from home and were handing them out to the runners.. The irony of it. There was now more water available than in any running event I've ever done. Thank you to the folk of Sheffield! Who needs big companies cashing in to doing a half hearted attempt at organising? Maybe this event should stay in the hands of the community next year.
Back to the running.. The weather held off well with only mild drizzle on a brief stretch of the course and by the time we got back to the finish there was patchy sunshine! I was aiming to get round the first half in about 1:30 and despite the cold and disorganised start I finished in 1:29:54. Happy with that. The volunteers still handed out the T Shirts and medals at the finish despite it being 'cancelled.' Coming in over the last 5k I was conscious that I wanted to get the 1:30 and also that lots of runners had started to put a burst of speed on that I kind of forgot that I had a bit more running to do... That dawned on me in the last k.. stop getting carried away..
1/2 way and a quick pop over to the crew from TCHC who were standing (looking a little chilly) patiently at the finish line waiting for everyone to come back and time to fill the water bottles, have a bit of food and a rant about the race and then head off for the daring assault on the locked bridge. Unspiked and wife updated I started out along the canal which seemed to go on eternally. If you've ever run along there you'll know its tough going with awkward flags, mud, dog crap and cobbles so hard to get back into the running after the buzz of finishing in the bowl. But the good things about this 2nd 1/2 is that it only gets better.. well more scenic!
Oh and harder as it kicks up and up and up through Endcliffe Park following Porter Brook to pop out at the top of the Clough. Given the wet weather last week, I opted not to take on the moors instead heading to Ringinglow Road and follow it to Higgar. The headwind was brutal and slowed progress despite being a good running surface. Then on finally reaching Higgar the valley stretched out below and I knew that gravity was going to carry me home.
There really is something special about running home, especially after an epic morning. I will never tire of this view with it clearly one of the best panoramas in the Peaks. I also love the that fact that no photo can ever do it justice, instead you have to be there immersed momentarily. Wow, a tough and memorable day!

Shoe Choice: Nike Icarus Old Knackered Blue and Greens.
Stats. Distance: 42.4 km  Elevation: 0.56 km  Total Dist: 259.5 km  Total Elevation: 4.31 km

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