Saturday 29 March 2014

Marathon No. 5. Hathersage to Ice Sheffield and back

Weekend off from doing an 'event' allowed me to do a route recce of the way I will be running home next weekend after the Sheffield Half Marathon. It turns out that running 5 marathons in 21 days alongside the rest of family life is quite hard work. I've been running a temperature all this week which started with uncontrollable shivering from 5pm last Monday and has meant intermittent paracetamol, putting layers on and off and then repeating. What would we do without down jackets?
I have also had abdominal cramps since Monday, so have been wondering whether I messed up with diet or hydration last weekend. I can't come up with anything concrete other than the realistic and highly probable knock to the immune system. Anyway having only been able to run about 15k this week, I am feeling rather tight in the muscles.
So with a rough route in mind I set off in the early warmth and headed up to break the massive wall of Stanage Edge at the old pony track and then head onto Stanedge Pole, round the back of Redmires reservoir and drop into Porter Clough at the very top of the westerly finger of what becomes Endcliffe Park.
The amazing contrast of the first 10k where I didn't see anyone to drop into the last 6k of busyness of families and dogs in Endcliffe Park. Here I headed towards but to the south of Sheffield going past the train station, Ponds Forge and onto the Sheffield and Tinsley Canal. I followed the canal all the way to Ice Sheffield arriving in a shade over 2hrs and after 23.8k of running, some 2.7k too far.
Right quick route edit to knock off some mileage for the way home. I set off back along the canal. Its great to be able to run along this canal, be relatively quiet and avoiding the cars, but its certainly not the most attractive part of Sheffield. There was also an 'alarmingly' high frequency of police sirens along this stretch compared to west Sheffield so I was pleased to get it behind me and head up the hill on the north side of Sheffield and along West Street. I had Saturday Shoppers to contend with and um'd and ar'd rather too long when I ran past a Subway. (Mental note, must go a slightly different way to avoid this temptation next week)
This route is slightly more direct and slightly hillier and does pass close to the hospital before dropping back into Endcliffe Park and the main climb home. I felt really tired by this point but was pleased with the route and it was great to see some of the places I spent a lot of time training 8 & 9 years ago.
The trouble with this hill is it only gets steeper and then suddenly you pop out on the top. Right, decision to be made. Back along Redmires, which is good ground, slightly further or give it beans straight over the top of White Stones Moor, slightly shorter but through the bog and another summit? Given the need to cut off a bit of mileage the latter was stupidly chosen as I was already knackered and this is an energy sapping route on a hot summers day. After going knee deep in the 3rd or 4th bog of the 'path' I bent down to adjust my laces and remove some mud and on coming back up my right diaphragm went into a painful spasm followed by loads of indigestion. It didn't ease and was just about bearable with walking not easing with even light jogging. 38k! Bugger. This meant walking the rest of the way back and trying not to strain it further. It was a long walk only made easier by the stunning views and the beautiful weather.
On getting home I nipped to the shop and had some Gaviscon. The stuff is amazing and after a couple of hours I was feeling vaguely normal. Another lesson learnt and I am now going to carry some of these in the pack, just incase I need them in the future. Following a quick review of the route I am now a lot happier that I can get back home at the right distance and following a descent route avoiding all the peat bogs in the process. I trust the weather will continue to stay good for next weekend! Rough plan for next week is to head round the half fairly comfortably aiming to go as close to 1:30 as the legs will allow and then grind up a long massive hill to Stanedge Pole before dropping down into Hathersage. Hoping for about 3:30 in total. I am quickly learning that there are far too many variables to make accurate predictions as this thing evolves! Either way I am now going to be running with my new best mate, Gav, to help keep things fine tuned. Its now time for bed!
Shoe Choice: Nike Icarus Old Knackered Blue and Greens.
Stats. Distance: 46.1 km  Elevation: 0.86 km  Total Dist: 217.1 km  Total Elevation: 3.75 km

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