Sunday 23 March 2014

Wilmslow Half Marathon. Oh, go on then just another half, I'm not driving!

So this is the first time I have run this half marathon for many years. I recall having run it approximately 4 times and have had mixed experiences on the course. In the past it's my PB half marathon and also one of my slowest, having stopped to soothe some blisters, dry out my socks, nice!, and then crack on. Hopefully there will be none of that sharnanigans today.

The weather forecast looked pretty awful for the run, noted as heavy rain showers and occasional sunshine until mid afternoon on the BBC website. So the whole family arrived at Pete's in Alderley, fashionably late as usual, and then Pete, James and I were driven by Mark to the start where we had the perfect amount of time for a quick warm up and line up for the gun.
The weather held off well with only a minor number of brief rain and hail showers to contend with. The race unfolded well and went to the rough plan. We aimed to send out a trail blazer in the shape of Mark to go low 80's and then Pete, James and I were to cruise home sub 95 minutes. This was executed perfectly and we arrived at my mid way point in 1:34:47. Pete decided that the car was more appealing to travel home in and that left me and James to head back to HQ in Alderley. Mark, following his taxi service, was to head out on the bike and catch me up to assist in bringing it home. I had planned that I would probably lose about 5 minutes faffing through the finish line and making any changes at Petes.
Pete was not satisfied that the route was hard enough so he had decided to add a hill in for me, citing some excuse that I didn't want it too flat. Guess which bit was his addition! I'm not sure whether it was the brutal ascent that was the problem or the full on cobbles testing my ankles that I enjoyed the most. I can only hope that there weren't too many people sat in their posh gardens up Swiss Hill as they would have wondered who Pete was and why exactly I wanted to do that to him.
The blip over and safely down onto the Cheshire plain Mark eventually caught me up, promptly took me off route and then declared that he didn't know where we were! Exactly what you want to hear with 5k to go. Luckily he came up with plan. Run under the next underpass and then straight up the side of the embankment. Then suddenly we knew where we were, well sort of where we were. There then remained a run back to Pete's with a quick out and back to make up the distance.
On turning the corner into Pete's drive I was met by a boisterous crowd waving, screaming and holding bunting. What a brilliant surprise and one that made the day. Finished a shade outside 3:15. I have to say that this was one of the most pleasurable experiences in running that I have had. It was sunny, sociable and well supported. Hopefully there will be many more like this. The day was topped of by a massive plate of baked spuds and Chilli. I ment to take a photo but there was no way that it was hanging around on the plate any longer than it had to. Thank you very much to Clare for the culinary delights; Pete for the sociable first 10 miles until the conversation became rather one sided; James was steering me through the traffic and people back to Petes; Mark for a sterling job was maintaining focus in the home straight and lastly to my welcome possy getting over excited with the bunting! Lastly I can't forget the wife whose continual support makes this possible. Bring on the next challenge. As some have pointed out on Strava, only another 36 to go. Simple!
Shoe Choice: Nike Icarus Stealths.
Stats. Distance: 42 km  Elevation: 0.28 km  Total Dist: 171.0 km  Total Elevation: 2.89 km

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