Sunday 4 May 2014

Stanage Stumble: Running round my back garden to complete marathon number 10

Wow, suddenly I am a quarter of the way through this completely ridiculous challenge. I have never heard of the Stanage Struggle prior to this year and becoming a member of the LDWA and spotting it in Strider. This is definitely a run in my back yard with it popping down to the outskirts of Hathersage and cornering just above the church. If you fancied making up the mileage you could probably head to ours top up your water bottle and then crack on. I was meant to be taking this challenge on with JC, however still struggling with butchering his calf on the Dronfield adventure after his Paris run, he had to bow out from this one, but look to something later in the year.
It is great to get 10 out of the way, but it doesn't seem to be getting any easier. I guess how easier it is getting is being replaced by general fatigue. But at least I can wave goodbye to the road for a while as the next chunk is off road with some having more elevation than is physically possible squeezed into it. And so I was looking forward to this, not just running on my hills, which also happen to be the best hills in the country, but also because it was getting back to the dirt, looking where you were going and having softer ground under foot.
This route starts from the HSBC Sports and Social Club, a part time Rugby, Football and Cricket ground halfway between the outskirts of Sheffield and the Fox House Pub. The route is advertised as a 25 mile route so I did a few laps of the grounds as a warmup to make up the distance although recently the police have insisted that the route starts the other Hathersage Road. The latter meaning that its up up up from the gun!
The weather forecast was good with the outside possibility of a spot of drizzle but generally a warm, dry day on baked dusty ground. Even the boggy areas under Stanage were relatively dry. The start was a relaxed affair with homage paid to the Soldiers in the Great War stationed at Redmires Camp who in 1914 & 15 carried out trench practice to the West of where the course comes down past Quarry Hill to join the reservoir. We were encouraged to take a moment to remember the events that started in the summer a century ago.
I had chosen to use a pair of Brooks Cascadias which I bought last year and have occasionally used, not liked and then refound. They are rubbish, potentially lethal in wet rock conditions so have not seen much action in the last 9 months, however this being bone dry, I thought I would give them a go over a long route. They held up ok and the grip was fine, so I feel I am getting my monies worth, I just haven't done enough running in these recently so picked up a few blisters and had the ice out a couple of times on my ankle in the evening. My lack of long hill training over the last few months really showed and I got really tired coming off Stanage and down to Burbage. So tired in fact despite searching around for the heavily hidden Check Point 7, I  missed it and ended up going down the main Burbage track and losing loads of elevation before having to climb back up to the Cairns and on to the moor. So much for local knowledge! Elevation done, it was time to turn left on Houndkirk Road and heading back to Limb Valley and the descent home.
 All in all, a quality morning out. A local event that enabled me to have breakfast with the boys, minimal time in the car and a local run, supported off Higgar Tor by boys with shakers. Enough time for a quick snack and to take the boys swimming. Great!! More of these please. Its also great to get 10 marathons complete in 8 weeks, I have a real sense of achievement with this, only daunted by the challenge remaining!
 There was only one thing on my mind on that last descent back down Limb Valley on hurting legs: The leftover cake that was sitting in the fridge. Luckily it was still sitting in the fridge on my return, although it didn't last long. After swimming the legs felt alright and fairly refreshed, so we will have to see what the rest of the bank holiday brings! Should be sunny tomorrow.....
Shoe Choice: Nike Icarus Stealths
Stats. Distance: 41.7 km  Elevation: 1.02 km  Total Dist: 432.3 km  Total Elevation: 6.81 km

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