Saturday 8 June 2013

Baslow Boot Bash

Ok so recovery was good after the LBC but with some stiffness. I learnt loads and so was keen to complete another and not screw up the 2nd half this time. I recce'd the route over 2 days the previous weekend with Simon so roughly knew where we were going. The weather on the day was great again and off we went. The start was quite quick, quicker than I thought that it would be so I fitted in about a dozen or so bag. It had good trails all the way round but some of people took odd short cuts on direct road sections which seems not in keeping with the type of event this is.

This course has a sting in the tale as you'll see from the elevation below, so if you're planning it in the future save some for that. Really enjoyed the course and the people on route. The weather was stunning and made the day. Energy was perfect all the way round and I felt strong and consistent on the whole run. Happy after 2 weeks ago. There is a section running through a bluebell field near the end that is stunning. I'll be back next year. Hopefully to go slightly quicker!

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