Saturday 18 October 2014

Its all about da Race, da Race. Not about da Medal.

Just a few medals so far as examples of some of the Highs and Lows of a challenge like this. There is a story wrapped up in each one! Only 3 more to add to the collection now. Its been a bumpy road, not just the fell running and not just the challenge of balancing 40 marathons, a wife, kids, working full time and a Masters, but getting our heads round one of our children going into hospital and the long, long recovery afterwards. Luckily we live within a long stone's throw (OK very long as theres a rather large moor in the way) of one of the best hospitals on the planet! Sheffield Childrens Hospital and their dedicated, hard working and expert staff.
Massive, massive thank you to the dedicated team in the 999 call centre, that  day. We have no idea of your names but are truly grateful from the bottom of our heart. To the fantastic team of Paramedics who arrived and took him off to the Hospital, To the staff in A+E that Sunday morning and then especially to fantastic team on the Burns Ward including the Plastic Surgeons who did his operation. Then also to the team that cared for him in Outpatients over the next 18 months. Simply inspirational. If I had enough medals I would give you at least one each. This brief escapade into the world of Marathoning and Ultramarathoning has given me time to get my head around it and to see our beautiful baby grow into a handsome little man, full of life, full of beans and who likes nothing more than to bounce on the trampoline dressed in his skeleton fancy dress costume. This has all been made possible by the wonderful care from the Childrens Hospital. We simply thank you with all of our hearts.

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