Sunday 31 August 2014

Marathon 28 - Hathersage to Theo's Burns Unit Party in the Park

Massive bonk on route on hot day. Ended up running out of water and food and really slowed over last section. Took a total time of 4:31. Run time of 4:14. Screwed up on nutrition and struggled after a long day in the car yesterday driving back from North Devon, via Cardiff. If they were all like this then I would never run again.  With this run I wanted to complete all the classic edges of my local Peaks and despite a late night after our long drive I woke ready to go and looking forward to the exploration. Yet again the weather didn't disappoint with sunny spells and the odd cloud. The Peaks at its best. Warm dry and the vivid colours of Autumn.
So the route started by heading north out of Hathersage on the slow ascent up to Dennis Knoll and continuing further on up the freshly laid causeway to break the horizon at Stanage's lowest point. Then some technical running along Stanage up to the SE Trig before heading down to Fiddlers Elbow and descending under Burbage North and then Burbage South. This provided great fast running on a bone dry path with a great gradient for fast running. This track pops out just above Toads Mouth where a quick cross of the road leads into the Longshaw Estate and along Lady's Drive to the Grouse Inn. From here I cut right down to the NT car park at Nether Padley and back up to cross the A625 and onto Froggatt Edge.
With only a small break in the rocks this lead straight onto Curbar Edge and after Curbar Gap Baslow Edge past The Eagle Stone and then turning left at The Wellington Monument.
This was then followed all the way to the road and after crossing headed NW back along White Edge but just before the plantation turning right to head East past Lady's Cross and on down to the road. I continued NE up to the Trig on the back of Flask Edge and then headed back past the Totley Tunnel Air Shaft to cross the road and head down to the Fox House.
It was then a long slow climb up over Houndkirk Road and then left at Lady Cannings Plantation trying to not get knocked over by the quad bikers and motor cross riders. The fat guy on the quad bike had his young son sat on the handle bars! The path continues past the plantation to cross the road and head down to Porter Brook via Brown Edge. At this point its great to know that it's downhill all the way to the end in Endcliffe Park. 9 classic edges covered. (Maybe cover the more Northerly Edges on Wednesday!!)
It couldn't have come soon enough. This days was made by the scenery and the weather. Everything else needs forgetting. Today was hard. Sore feet, aching everything and with a strong desire to never run again. I spent hours craving Jelly Babies.
Everything in my body was saying stop but I couldn't and despite a few wobbles and sit downs I kept going. It wasn't the running it was my preparation and nutrition, all variables that I can modify for the next one. And their will be a next one!

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