Sunday 3 August 2014

Dovedale Dipper Marathon 24 of 40. Hot sunny day again!! Raising money for Sheffield Childrens Hospital !!

Another hot sunny run. Struggled as not run for 2 weeks and tired from long journey home last night from dan safff.
Ran ok for first 10 miles but with increasing hip pain. Struggled on to 30k but pain not easing so walked the rest as it was a nice sunny day. This was a stunning run in great running conditions.
Walking gave me the opportunity to really appreciate where I was and stop and take lots of photos. In between the stops I tried to walk as quickly as possible and by the finish felt but in my legs and with the hip pain eased off.
It was the sort of pain that in heat of competition you could easily run through but that there would probably be considerable time off afterwards to get over it. I cant do that with this challenge and so the tactical walk was implemented.
Next weekend is the Long Tour of Bradwell and I really enjoyed it last year so hoping to go a little quicker, but last recovery is pretty good my general fitness has dropped and I'm not enjoying the joint pains.
So we'll see what happens. If I am planning on doing any long runs late on next season then this one is one that I need to come back and prove a point in. Unfinished business with this!!!
Shoe Choice: Brooks Cascadia
Stats. Distance: 42.6 km  Elevation: 1.06 km  Total Dist: ?? km  Total Elevation: ?? km

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