Wednesday 27 November 2013

100 days to go!

Well 100 days to go until it all starts. Its difficult to stay focused through these repetitive dark nights or mornings and keep the consistency and miles ticking over. A grumbly knee has limited runs to under 10k for the last few weeks but it seems to be easing up now so hopefully that will be in the past from now on. One thing I've definitely noticed is how many different things it is possible to run through and, although potentially partly created via running, use running to help resolve. One day when I'm bored I'll sit down and jot down the list so far. Hopefully it won't grow into anything too major for next year.

There also has been a distinct lack of events to get my mind into, coinciding with the colder, wetter, dark runs and this doesn't help. It will be great to get to the solstice and then know that things are only going to brighten and warm up.

Next tester on the horizon is the Turkey Trot in about 10 days. Late on in the calendar it's always a tricky one to enter as it fills so quickly. It's a tough old half marathon with some killer hills on exposed roads through farming country. Add in the cold, a bit of slipperiness and the surprisingly sunny weather (that I always remember) and you have a great test event for form leading into 2014. I'm clearly not on my own in thinking this. Do I dare put down a predictive time? I also have to take into account that it is the start of that time of year again when chocolates, sweets and biscuits come into the clinic.... Oh god, I'm so weak. Only an idiot would turn up to the Turkey Trot 1/2 stone heavier. Lets hope it's only that!

Sunday 10 November 2013

Test the legs with a half, the day after an off road marathon. A step towards a double.

Well the 6 Dales Circuit was yesterday and waking up and getting down the stairs wasn't too bad, with any stiffness easing off within about 5-10 minutes. Kit packed and breakfast had it was off to the pool in Bakewell with the boys for a float. Oh, then a run home in the sunshine. The route ended up being just short of a half but who's counting when you complete more elevation in just over 20k than you did over a 42k hilly off road route the day before?
The run was very slow but understandably so. Nice to be out in stunning fresh air. Shoe choice was perfect for the mixed terrain and gloopy mud.

Saturday 9 November 2013

6 Dales Circuit

Yet again, stunning weather to go running in. Relatively low key run part with the usual friendly greeting and ease of registration that I'm now used to with all LDWA races. I also accidently missed the deadline for entries, but luckily, maybe because I'm a member I got a reserved place at the last minute. Note to self... Must enter on time next year! The route was great over some classic White Peak trails, quite wet in places but grippy enough through all the technical sections. There's only 3 checkpoints on this one but really well stocked with all the usual cakes and flapjacks etc. It's quite easy to end up gaining weight on these types of races. The profile is.
Reviewing it following completion I'm not surprised that the last 10k took so long and the old adage of what goes down must come back up still stands! The route finding was tough over the last 5k but apart from that, navigation was fairly straight forward. Looking forward to coming back next year especially if the weather can be this good. 2013 is the year of sunny summer running!