Saturday 7 June 2014

DT Finally joins the Twit revolution !

Spurred on by my shout out from Linford Christie (Thank you kindly sir) I have realised that the way forward is this thing called twitter. Perhaps you've heard of it. Anyway it turns out its not just something that teenagers do during exams or a celebrity way of dumping your wife, it appears to be the contemporary medium that is propping up civilisation. To think in the old days we used to have those old fashioned face to face conversations with people! Maybe this is something we will all be reminiscing about to our children and grandchildren, via twitting obviously. So what have I learnt in the last 24 hours: Firstly that the I need to stop using the phrase twitting or tw@ing, whilst this makes me feel mildly hilarious it is 'so last decade'. Or should it be 'Slashtag'SoLastDecade. Secondly that it is not 'Slashtag' at all, despite me repeating it in pretty much every sentence since I signed up and maybe the arthritis in my ears is progressing slightly more rapidly than I realised. And if having a Twit account was not exciting enough, via some assistance I even managed to insert a Twit feed on the right hand side. Does it get much better than this?

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